started as a self-depricating joke between Jess (my wife) and myself (Corby) as we were learning the ways of the Anglican. Whenever we would do something wrong we would laugh and whisper to each other, "Hashtag-worst-Anglican."
Fast-forward three years and I'm a newly ordained Deacon who still makes plenty of mistakes and still sometimes feels like #theworstanglican.
The pupose of this page is to document why and how I migrated from a more Evangelical tribe to the Anglican family (for the curious), share Bible studies/sermons I get to deliver as a Deacon filling in at a church while they find a new Pastor/Priest, and the funny moments along the way.
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Corby, what are you doing?
Anglican? Deacon? Robes? White collar tab thingy? What the heck? What happened to Calvary Chapel? What happen to Bible teaching? Are you basically Catholic now? All mostly valid questions. I'm not going to be able to answer everything in one post. I'm not on the defensive
Hearts Surely Fixed
Do you have an unruly will? Therefore, what we are determined to do sometimes gets off track, out of whack. Our affections, the things we desire at any given time, are also unruly. Therefore, our feelings can be flippant.
Right Relationship With God and With Others
God's Law gives us the boundaries that keep us on the path instead of falling off the path and off the cliff or into the water or whatever the danger might be, but they keep us in line.
Ash Wednesday and 80s Movies
Ash Wednesday is every '80s movie training or preparation montage you've ever seen. It's recognizing the need for training, practice, exercise, whatever word you want to use, and doing it.
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